Review of 2013
The close of 2013 marks the end of our second year as new WI. We've grown steadily in members and we've got to grips with all that being in a WI entails. We've had a great year's programme with a wide range of speakers and activities. We tried our hand at: new skills and crafts including felt flowers and decorations; been on a theatre trip, country walks and wine tasting forays; heard from speakers on such diverse subjects as the Antarctic and running a stately home garden; and shared fish and chip suppers and summer afternoon games. We've started a book club and history group in addition to our successful craft group and we've held a number of fundraising activities to ensure we are set for a great 2014. We've taken part in civic and community events and continue to attract a wide range of ladies of all ages from our local community. Come and see what's is all about in Godmanchester in 2014!