Review of 2014
Restarted the year with trying our patchwork - indeed, we had a go at 'crazy' patchwork and took home coasters made that evening. Our annual jaunt to the Barley Mow for a meal was well attended and was a great way to catch up after Christmas. In February Magpas visited and we were in awe of the work they do. Some ladies visited the theatre in Peterborough that month. Most ladies tried the Zumba session in March and those who watched had a good giggle too! In April we shared the work we had been doing for a display at the Godmanchester Porch Museum on the history of the WI nationally and our WI in Godmanchester. We had been finding out about the WI's role in WWII and spent the evening taking part on our very own 'make do and mend' challenge. We sampled some great food at our Resolutions meeting, with ladies bringing along their favourite recipes for us to try. A large number of ladies visited Hemingford Manor on July - home of the novelist who wrote the Greenknowle stories. In June we learnt about couture clothes and in July we learnt how to dye fabric from plants. In August some of the ladies got together for an evening meal. September saw an entertaining evening spent with local auctioneers and in October we discoveredd the hidden talents of our very own expert on sugar craft. In November we also discovered two of our members craft beautiful jewlery and got to try and make our own creations to take home. And as the year closed with agthered for a Chrsitmas party. What a great twelve months!