Review of 2015

We have continued into our fourth year with a strong membership and are pleased to have welcomed new members throughout the year.

Our Programme has been a variety of speakers, The Queens Flight, Keeping Healthy, Dyeing fabric with natural materials, Polar Bears and a demonstration of flower arranging. We have had active meetings with Tai Chi and guided walk around the local nature reserve.

This being the WI's Centenary Year, there have been many events held at National and Federation level: the highlights being the national AGM at the Albert Hall in the presence of HM The Queen which our President attended; and the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace which one of members attended. Two of our members attended the Centenary Craft Show in Harrogate and we were on the local radio talking about the history of the WI and our own WI.

The date of the National Centenary Party coincided with our own meeting so we had our own celebratory evening. Several past Presidents from the original GMC WI were traced and invited. Two of our Committee visited one President in a local nursing home as was unable to attend on the night.  Thanks to another very talented member we have a superb cake to mark the occasion.

Away from our regular meetings the craft club and book club continue to be well attended.  Our social get togethers, with a meal in January and a walk and meet at the Bridge Hotel in August, are now regular dates in our diaries. This year three members had a Glamping Weekend at Houghton Mill with members joining them for afternoon tea.

Our presence in the community continues: we once again had a stall selling mince pies for the Christmas Lights switch on; and a cake stall at Gala Day.  As this was the first year of the Town Show, we sponsored a Cup for Jams, Chutneys and Eggs.  Members also continue to give donations to the local food bank.

So although we have spent a lot of time this year looking back over the last 100 years of WI we are looking forward to next year's fun and laughter which is always around when GMC WI ladies get together.