Review of 2016

Godmanchester WI had a great year in 2017 with membership growing to exceed 50 ladies - not bad for year 4!   I’m sure our diverse programme had much to do with the growth as its was wide and varied.  We began the year learning about yoga and trying out the moves - we all enjoyed the session and were very relaxed by the end of it!  We met for our annual Christmas meal…in January:  it was, once again, a sociable evening and much laughter was heard around the restaurant.  In February we were inspired by the work of one of our WI colleagues who spoke to us about the school project she has been supporting in Kenya. A number of us couldn't resist buying the charming bags that had been made by school, which helped raise funds for them.  March  had been planned for a local history talk but ill health prevented the speaker from attending:  the WI ladies rallied and instead we spent the evening getting to know each other better over tea and biscuits. We had a wonderful evening in April learning from one of the Cambridge Bluebell WI ladies who taught us how to make the most amazing cocktails - we even got to try them and a number of ladies are now eyeing up their gardens for more ingredients to use!  Our Resolutions evening was well supported and we shared a simple but delicious super of local fish and chips. June saw us spend the evening with a professional story teller.  She shared lots of stories about the Fens and we learnt a greta deal about local sayings and places.  The glamping weekend was a blast, with some ladies camping for the first time - I think the cocktails helped the late night hula hooping!!!  It was all very sophisticated with tablecloths and china when the non-camping ladies joined us for afternoon tea and a few parlour games - we did laugh a great deal.  We were visited by a bee keeper in July and in August we met for a summer’s evening drink in a local hotel.  As Autumn arrived we discovered all about the benefits of acupuncture and pressure points. leaving the session with new skills and knowledge.  The gemstone evening was eagerly anticipated - some ladies were a little disappointed not be taking the samples home!!!  We went to the Dogs in October… the Greyhound Racing. We got to sponsor a race and have our photos taken with the winner, as well as sharing a meal together with members.  In November we held our AGM and appointed our new Committee.  We spent the rest of evening crafting beautiful Christmas cards.  December arrived all too quickly: we had a fun evening of  pre-Chrsitmas drinks and table games:  it was a great way to round off the year.