Programme 2017
January 18th - Line Dancing with Janet and Terry
Meal at the Grand Piano
February 15th - Glebe Farm Speciality Bakes
March -15th Farm Hall Secrets with Colin Brown
April - 19th Quiz Female Follies
May 17th - WI Resolutions and Hanging Baskets with Brian Gardner
June 21st - The Fascinating World of Glass Blowing with Bob Scott
Glamping Weekend and Afternoon Tea at Houghton Mill
July 19th - Its All About Alpacas with Nicky Sly
August - summer social - walk to Brampton Mill
September 20th The Exotic East - Silk Road Talk by Trish Peek
October 18th - Kilts - inside Story of Tartan Kilt Making
Film Night
November 15th AGM and A Medley of Crafts
December 20th Traditional Pub Games
Our programmes are always interesting but starting the year with line dancing got us off to great start - a fun night with lots of laughter, trying something new and making friends. We had some cracking speakers from our community, hearing about spies in WW2, exotic travel, what it’s like to look after an alpaca and making kilts. Our speakers are always inspirational but hearing from one of the country's first gluten free farmers who is a local lady, had us all converted to trying her products nd championing her work. We got to see a glass blower in action and tired our hand at a range of new crafts. As always, our socials were popular and none more so than glamping and an alfresco afternoon tea, topped off with kayaking for the brave!